Sunday, May 11, 2008

Looks are Everything

Well, I managed to rearrange and rebuild everything with Visual C++ 2008 express.

Now it's time to get rid of the uglies!

I went over to a place called Psionic where most Ogre folks get their free models.

Thankfully I found a patch for the Ogre Blender Exporter that does the axis swapping again.

Only problem is that the Jeep model is still backwards. Either I research how to rotate vertices in Blender or I can just rotate the mesh in Ogre.

It's never easy.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Rock and a Hard Place

Now I'm in a real dilemma.

I'm having a problem with Boost 1.35, CeGui, and vc7.

There isn't a problem with vc9, so it must be a bug in vc7 that they haven't done a workaround for yet.

I could go back to Boost 1.34 but then I'd have to include ASIO separately and I'm not sure if I can use vc9 with it.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shaking the Tree

Sometimes when your stuck in a rut it's time to shake things up.

My way of shaking things up this time is to upgrade to Boost 1.35 and creating a build system for Visual C++ 2008.

The reason for upgrading Boost is that ASIO is now an official part of the library and I need to replace the socket classes I wrote to make Botworx more portable.

Unfortunately, they totally rewrote the thread library and the locks and mutexes I was using caused things to hang. All that synchronization stuff probably needs a rewrite anyhow.

I think I'm going to dump ODE and Bullet and just go with PhysX. I can't count the hours I've spent making a hybrid system work. It works, but ... time to move on.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Back to the Grind

Well, PyWeek ended about a month ago but I kept fiddling with RoboCute until I could decide how to proceed with trying to beat this framework into shape. Now it's back to C++. Yay.