Thursday, December 11, 2008

Agent Language Preview

This is a preview of the Agent Language I'm working on. More details will go in a Wiki or something.

Methods are triggered by the addition and deletion of facts within the state. Methods without triggers are evaluated upon state creation. Rules within the methods are evaluated sequentially. States are evaluated until no new information can be generated at which time any facts that were proposed will cause the creation of successor states into which those proposals will be added along with any other facts in the current state.

This is a work in progress therefore any and all comments or criticisms are extremely welcome!

$ = Logic variable
. = Property of the rule, method, state, or agent

; Missionaries and Cannibals 

(domain Mac ()
 (method main ()
  ;state success
   (topic $g (type goal))
   ($g object $bank)
   ($g missionaries $m1)
   ($bank missionaries $m2)
   ($m1 = $m2)
   ($g cannibals $c1)
   ($bank cannibals $c2)
   ($c1 = $c2)
   ($g boat $b1)
   ($bank boat $b2)
   ($b1 = $b2)
  ;state failure
   (Bank-1 missionaries $m1)
   ($m1 > 0)
   (Bank-1 cannibals $c1)
   ($m1 < $c1)
   (assert(.state fail "Too many cannibals on Bank1!!!"))
  ;state failure
   (Bank-2 missionaries $m2)
   ($m2 > 0)
   (Bank-2 cannibals $c2)
   ($m2 < $c2)
   (assert(.state fail "Too many cannibals on Bank2!!!"))
  ;state failure
   (.parent (.goal missionaries $m1) (.goal cannibals $c1) )
   (.goal missionaries $m2)
   ($m1 = $m2)
   (.goal cannibals $c2)
   ($c1 = $c2)
   (assert(.state fail "State undoes parent goal!!!"))
   (topic $g (type goal))
   (not($g is achieved))  
   (temporary(.agent achieve $g))
 (method MoveMissionaryPropose (.agent achieve $g)
   (topic $bank1 (type bank))
   ($bank1 boat $boat)
   ($bank1 missionaries $m)
   ($m > 0) 
   (topic $bank2 (type bank))
   ($bank2 <> $bank1)   
   (propose((.agent move-boat $boat)
    (missionaries 1)
    (cannibals 0)
    (source $bank1)
    (destination $bank2) ) )
 (method MoveCannibalPropose (.agent achieve $g)
   (topic $bank1 (type bank))
   ($bank1 boat $boat)
   ($bank1 cannibals $c)
   ($c > 0) 
   (topic $bank2 (type bank))
   ($bank2 <> $bank1)   
   (propose ((.agent move-boat $boat)
    (missionaries 0)
    (cannibals 1)
    (source $bank1)
    (destination $bank2) )
 (method MoveMissionariesPropose (.agent achieve $g)
   (topic $bank1 (type bank))
   ($bank1 boat $boat)
   ($bank1 missionaries $m)
   ($m > 1) 
   (topic $bank2 (type bank))
   ($bank2 <> $bank1)   
   (propose ((.agent move-boat $boat)
    (missionaries 2)
    (cannibals 0)
    (source $bank1)
    (destination $bank2) )
 (method MoveCannibalsPropose (.agent achieve $g)
   (topic $bank1 (type bank))
   ($bank1 boat $boat)
   ($bank1 cannibals $c)
   ($c > 1) 
   (topic $bank2 (type bank))
   ($bank2 <> $bank1)   
   (propose ((.agent move-boat $boat)
    (missionaries 0)
    (cannibals 2)
    (source $bank1)
    (destination $bank2) )
 (method MoveMissionaryCannibalPropose (.agent achieve $g)
   (topic $bank1 (type bank))
   ($bank1 boat $boat)
   ($bank1 missionaries $m)
   ($m > 0)
   ($bank1 cannibals $c)
   ($c > 0) 
   (topic $bank2 (type bank))
   ($bank2 <> $bank1)   
   (propose ((.agent move-boat $boat)
    (missionaries 1)
    (cannibals 1)
    (source $bank1)
    (destination $bank2) )
 (method MoveBoatApply (.agent move-boat $boat)
   (.thought source $bank1)
   (.thought destination $bank2)
   (.thought missionaries $m)
   (.thought cannibals $c)
   ($bank1 missionaries $m1)
   ($bank2 missionaries $m2)
   ($bank1 cannibals $c1)
   ($bank2 cannibals $c2)
                ($bank1 boat $boat)
    ($bank1 missionaries $m1)
    ($bank2 missionaries $m2)
    ($bank1 cannibals $c1)
    ($bank2 cannibals $c2)            
    ($bank2 boat $boat)   
    ($bank1 missionaries (- $m1 $m))
    ($bank2 missionaries (+ $m2 $m))
    ($bank1 cannibals (- $c1 $c))
    ($bank2 cannibals (+ $c2 $c))   
(problem Mac
 (topic Boat-1
  (type boat)
 (topic Bank-1
  (type bank)
  (missionaries 3)
  (cannibals 3)
  (boat Boat-1)
 (topic Bank-2
  (type bank)
  (missionaries 0)
  (cannibals 0)
 (topic Goal-1
  (type goal)
  (object Bank-2)
  (missionaries 3)
  (cannibals 3)
  (boat Boat-1)

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